Rio Rancho Motorcycle Accident Attorney

motorcycle parked on side of road

Did you get hurt in a motorcycle crash in Rio Rancho? If someone else is to blame, Parnall Law Firm can fight to hold them accountable and demand an amount of money that will fairly compensate you for the losses you’ve incurred and the difficult road ahead. We have represented the injured in Albuquerque and Central New Mexico since 1997, securing more than $250 million in settlements and verdicts on behalf of over 7,000 clients. Now we’re ready to put our experience, dedication, and tenacity to work on your case.

Hurt? Call Bert! Contact us today for a free consultation with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Rio Rancho and find out what we can do for you.

The Role of a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Securing legal representation immediately after a motorcycle accident is crucial to pursuing the money you need. An experienced Rio Rancho motorcycle accident attorney can handle vital aspects of your case, such as:

  • Explaining your options – Feeling overwhelmed after an accident is normal. A lawyer can put your mind at ease. They will advise you of the options available to you and guide you throughout your case.
  • Conducting an investigation – Investigating a motorcycle accident to determine why a motorcycle crash occurred and who is responsible can be difficult and time-consuming. An attorney has the resources, industry connections, and knowledge to complete these crucial aspects of your claim.
  • Calculating the value of your case – A lawyer knows how to determine how much your case is worth. They will review all financial documentation, including medical bills and employment records, to calculate the compensation you’re entitled to. They will also determine whether you’ll need treatment in the future or incur additional expenses due to the motorcycle collision. Because motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries, it’s essential to consider the long-term costs you may incur because of someone else’s negligence.
  • Negotiating a settlement – You don’t have to worry about communicating with the insurance company. Your motorcycle accident attorney will negotiate for a settlement on your behalf, pushing back if the insurer tries to undervalue your claim or won’t take your demands seriously.
  • Taking your case to court – Going to trial is sometimes necessary, especially when the insurance carrier refuses to settle for a fair amount. An attorney can file your lawsuit to seek the compensation you deserve.
  • Offering support – A lawyer can also provide emotional support. You can depend on them to help you through this often overwhelming experience.

Understanding Motorcycle Accidents in Rio Rancho

Motorcycle accidents are often more severe than collisions involving other vehicles, in part because motorcycles have:

  • Less braking power – Cars have stronger braking systems than motorcycles. When a motorcyclist applies the brakes in an emergency, they could lose control of their bike, causing it to swerve or skid.
  • Inadequate protection – Motorcycle riders don’t have the same safety equipment as the occupants of cars and trucks. They’re at a greater risk of injury because they don’t have a seatbelt, airbag, or enclosed vehicle protecting them.
  • Sensitive steering – Motorcycles have sensitive steering systems. Maneuvering the bike in a different direction doesn’t take much effort.
  • Vulnerability to roads – Motorcycles are lower to the ground and usually only have two wheels to keep them stable. These factors make riders more vulnerable to road conditions and debris.

The motorcycle accident lawyers from Parnall Law are very familiar with these unique factors and can work tirelessly to pursue the compensation you deserve.

Rio Rancho Motorcycle Collisions: The Most Common Causes

Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in Rio Rancho are:

  • Distracted drivers – An inattentive driver increases the risk of a devastating crash. When motorists don’t focus on the road around them, they could miss seeing a motorcyclist entering their lane or stopping for a red light.
  • Reckless drivers – Reckless drivers often do things that endanger others’ lives. Road rage, weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, and other aggressive behaviors can lead to a deadly accident with a motorcycle rider.
  • Drunk or drugged drivers – Although driving under the influence is illegal, far too many people make the reckless decision to get behind the wheel after consuming intoxicating substances anyway. Alcohol and drugs compromise drivers’ physical and mental faculties, making it harder to react appropriately to dangerous situations or follow traffic signs.
  • Defective motorcycle parts – Vehicles are made up of thousands of parts that must work in concert for the vehicle to run smoothly. A driver who doesn’t replace recalled parts or maintain their car regularly can be responsible for an accident, as can companies that produce defective auto parts.
  • Poor motorcycle repairs – Like any other motor vehicle, motorcycles require routine maintenance to operate safely. A mechanic who does shoddy work could be at fault if their poor maintenance leads to a collision.
  • Hazardous roadways – Government entities are responsible for maintaining public roads. They must fill in potholes, remove hazards, and install appropriate signage and warnings. A motorcyclist can lose control and crash from hazardous conditions the government doesn’t address.
  • Poor weather – No one can control the weather. However, drivers must reduce their speed and proceed cautiously when encountering strong winds, heavy rain, and other adverse weather conditions. Behaving carelessly can lead to a severe accident with a motorcyclist.

Seeking Justice and Compensation After a Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycle wrecks in Rio Rancho can cause life-threatening injuries, hefty medical bills, vehicle repair costs, and other expenses. You should not have to foot the bill if someone else is at fault. You can hold negligent parties financially liable by filing an injury claim or lawsuit against them, demanding compensation for your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Disability or disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Emotional distress

We Can Help You – Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer at Parnall Law Firm

Hurt in a motorcycle collision? Call Bert. As a former Albuquerque Bulldog, Attorney Bert Parnall brings an aggressive and tenacious approach to seeking the justice our injured clients deserve. When you hire us, our legal team will fight for you.

With our satisfaction guarantee, you can take your case elsewhere without paying any attorneys’ fees if you’re not satisfied with how we handle your case during the first 30 days of hiring us.

Get started on your recovery journey by calling Parnall Law Firm for a free consultation with a dedicated motorcycle accident lawyer in Rio Rancho.