Rideshare Accident Attorney in Albuquerque

rideshare accident in Alburqueque, NM

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular in recent years, accounting for a substantial chunk of the transportation market in Albuquerque. These app-based services are convenient and affordable, making them a favorite option for many residents.

Unfortunately, with the rise in the popularity of Uber and Lyft comes an increase in rideshare accidents. Similar to other types of car accidents, rideshare accidents can result in serious injuries that leave victims with costly medical expenses for years to come.

If you were injured in a rideshare accident in Albuquerque or elsewhere in New Mexico, your case might seem clear as to who was at fault. However, you may run into stiff opposition from massive and powerful tech companies like Uber and Lyft – and their insurers.

These companies are determined to minimize responsibility for your injuries so they can pay out as little as possible. This is a major reason why you need a skilled and experienced attorney in your corner. The dedicated Albuquerque rideshare accident lawyers at Parnall Law Firm, LLC are here to help you.

At Parnall Law Firm, LLC, our knowledgeable car accident lawyers can manage every aspect of your rideshare accident case, as we fight tirelessly to seek the full and fair compensation you deserve. Don’t get discouraged by the rideshare companies and their high-powered team of lawyers. Parnall Law has the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to take them on.

When fighting for your legal right to compensation, you want Parnall Law on your side. Hurt? Call Bert! Contact us today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

Who Is Responsible for a Rideshare Accident in Albuquerque?

Determining who is responsible for a rideshare accident can be difficult. The liable party could be the rideshare driver or the rideshare company itself. In some cases, the driver of another vehicle was at fault. Both Lyft and Uber provide up to $1 million in liability insurance for their drivers in the event of accidents and passenger injuries.

You could be eligible for compensation from the rideshare company’s insurance coverage if the rideshare driver is at fault. However, if an off-duty Uber or Lyft driver struck you as another driver or pedestrian, the driver could be liable for your damages. Determining whether or not the driver was “on the clock” can be challenging, depending on the situation.

Liability for rideshare accidents can depend on a number of factors, including whether the rideshare driver was logged into the app at the time of the accident, whether they were transporting a passenger, en route to pick someone up, or available and waiting for a rider.

When you are involved in an accident with an Uber or Lyft driver, you might not know who to file your auto injury claim against. Do you pursue the driver, the company, or some other party? Any of these parties could be responsible, depending on the details of the accident. Sometimes multiple parties could be liable for the crash and related damages.

For example, let’s say you were in an accident with a rideshare driver. Uber and Lyft have provided their drivers with commercial liability insurance, which may cover your injuries and damages. To complicate matters, however, the rideshare driver’s commercial liability coverage varies depending on whether:

  • They’re logged out of the app, in which case no Uber/Lyft liability coverage is provided for their driver.
  • They’re logged in but haven’t accepted a trip, in which case the coverage available is limited.
  • They’re logged in and have accepted a trip, in which case their liability coverage increases to $1 million.

Having a qualified rideshare accident lawyer on your case from the start can help ensure your claim is handled properly and effectively. The Albuquerque rideshare accident attorneys at Parnall Law are ready to work to quickly identify who is liable for your accident and collect all the relevant evidence to build a strong case for maximum compensation.

Types of Rideshare Accidents

The highly skilled and knowledgeable Albuquerque rideshare accident attorneys at Parnall Law can successfully handle a wide variety of rideshare accident scenarios, including situations where:

  • A rideshare passenger is injured and the rideshare driver is at fault
  • A rideshare passenger is injured and another driver is at fault
  • An occupant of another vehicle is injured in a crash caused by a rideshare driver
  • A rideshare driver is injured in a crash while driving for rideshare company

Common causes of rideshare accidents are essentially the same as the causes of other types of car accidents, including:

Compensation and Insurance Coverage for Rideshare Accident Injuries

The best way to pursue the maximum compensation you are entitled to following your rideshare accident is with the help of a dedicated Albuquerque rideshare accident lawyer. Depending on the damages you have suffered, you may seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses (past, present, and future)
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Following your rideshare accident, an insurance company may offer you a settlement. Whatever they offer at first will likely fall short of covering your costly medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Rideshare accidents typically involve at least three insurers: the rideshare company’s insurance, the rideshare driver’s insurance, and the insurers of any other drivers involved in the accident. These insurance companies will likely attempt to downplay the extent of your injuries.

If you need to take legal action against the rideshare driver and the rideshare company to seek maximum compensation, you should prepare for a tough battle. The highly skilled Albuquerque rideshare attorneys at Parnall Law are well-versed in the tricks and loopholes insurance companies use to deny liability. Our legal knowledge can help you navigate the claim process and prepare a case that will protect your well-being as we fight for the maximum financial reward you deserve.

Can I Sue a Rideshare Company?

Rideshare companies can be sued if it is determined that they are somehow responsible for the accident due to negligence on the company’s part. The rideshare company requires that a driver use their policy first to cover damages if the driver is determined at-fault. However, the insurance provider may deny the claim, which forces Uber or Lyft to cover the damages.

Liability can be very complex, and no two rideshare accident cases are exactly alike. This is why you need to hire a New Mexico rideshare accident lawyer as soon as possible following an accident. Injuries or deaths that result from a rideshare vehicle are complicated, and there are plenty of hurdles to overcome. However, it should not prevent you from seeking fair and adequate compensation for all your losses.

The rideshare accident lawyers at Parnall Law will be able to evaluate the facts and circumstances of your particular accident to determine who was liable and what insurance policy can cover your medical bills and other losses. Although Uber and Lyft policies include up to $1 million in coverage, rideshare companies may try to deny liability for an accident, so it is critical to have a skilled legal advocate on your side to investigate the true cause of the crash.

It’s very important to note that, in New Mexico, you must file your rideshare accident claim within three years of the accident. This is known as the statute of limitations. There is also a three-year time limit on filing a wrongful death lawsuit. In the case of property damage, the statute of limitations is four years. The statute of limitations is another reason why you should not delay in contacting an experienced rideshare accident lawyer.

Rideshare Accident Statistics

The rise of ridesharing services has increased traffic deaths by 2% to 3% in the U.S. since 2011, equivalent to as many as 1,100 mortalities a year, according to a study from the University of Chicago and Rice University. The researchers took statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and compared them with the dates Uber or Lyft launched in a specific city. They then checked accident rates in those cities relative to vehicle miles traveled. That rate increased drastically in San Francisco after Uber launched in 2010, a phenomenon that also occurred in other cities.

Uber cars were involved in more fatal crashes than cabs in the second half of 2015, according to data from New York’s Taxi and Limousine Commission. Cars affiliated with Uber were involved in five fatal collisions from July to December, though only one driver was found to be at fault, resulting in a suspension, according to the TLC. There was only one deadly crash involving a cab in that time, the TLC reported. Uber-affiliated vehicles were involved in at least 753 crashes that caused an injury, according to the data.

Contact a Rideshare Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been seriously injured in a rideshare accident in Albuquerque and are unsure how to move forward, allow the skilled and compassionate attorneys at Parnall Law to help. Our car accident lawyers can give you an idea of the types of compensation you may be able to recover.

We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you will pay no attorney’s fees upfront. We don’t receive any fees until you collect compensation for your injuries.

Hurt? Call Bert! Contact us now to schedule a free initial consultation.

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