
What's the Leading Cause of Intersection Accidents?

Maneuvering through crossways can be one of the riskiest parts of driving. Unfortunately, driver error is the leading cause of intersection accidents, contributing to a high number of crashes nationwide, including in New Mexico. Whether due to distractions, speeding, or failing to obey traffic signals, junctions present dangerous conditions for…

Which Type Of Auto Insurance Is Required By Law In Most States?

Most states require drivers to carry a minimum insurance coverage, including liability insurance. However, some states have additional insurance requirements, such as personal injury protection. Carrying minimum insurance coverage provides crucial financial protection in an at-fault accident. Most importantly, higher insurance coverage gives you an upper hand when involved in…

Can You Sue an Estate for Pain and Suffering?

Accident victims typically sue for pain and suffering when another’s actions or negligence result in significant emotional or physical distress. If the negligent party passes away in the accident or afterward, victims will sometimes sue an estate for pain and suffering damages. But, can you sue an estate for pain…

what to do if you hit a parked car

Hitting another vehicle can be a stressful and confusing experience, whether you’re distracted for a second or navigating a tight parking space. Knowing what to do if you hit a parked car is crucial to avoiding legal consequences and insurance complications. If you’re unsure about how to proceed or need…

why do i have to go to court after a car accident

Not every incident results in a legal proceeding, but certain circumstances make it necessary, especially when liability, injuries, or compensation are in dispute. If you’re wondering why I have to go to court after a car accident, you’re not alone. At Parnall Law, we understand how overwhelming the aftermath of…

can you ride a motorcycle in the rain

Riding a motorcycle in the rain is possible when equipped with the right gear. However, motorcycles are less stable and less visible in the rain, which reduces the performance of headlights and other illumination sources for riders. Heavy rain makes it difficult for riders to see and avoid road hazards….

whiplash symptoms delayed

Whiplash is a common injury associated with car accidents. It occurs when a speeding vehicle suddenly comes to a halt. You’ll likely experience symptoms immediately after the crash, but other signs may arise later. The whiplash-delayed symptoms may appear a few hours or a few weeks after the date of…

how do police determine fault in an accident

Car accidents have dire consequences, including life-threatening injuries and fatalities. The overwhelming experience of an injury makes it challenging for the injured victim to remain calm and objective. You should take the proper steps after the crash, including notifying the local police department. Once an officer arrives at the scene,…