At Parnall Law, we know a fancy new backpack is more exciting than talking about back-to-school safety. Yet, taking the time to remind your children to be safe as they head back to school may be one of the most critical conversations you have to kick off the new school year. Keep reading to learn our top five back-to-school safety tips. And remember: if you need a personal injury lawyer in Albuquerque, call Parnall Law.
School Bus Safety
One of the most dangerous aspects of taking a school bus to and from school is getting on and off the bus. Take the time to show children which stop is theirs, and remind them to:
- Use the handrails to get on and off the bus
- Stay six feet away from the curb to give the bus enough room to pull over and open its doors
- Make sure the bus driver can see you when crossing the street in front of the bus
Walking to School Safety
Before you send your child out the door to walk to school, do a trial run. Walk with them to school on the route they will take to identify potential hazards. You can also offer them these sound pieces of safety advice before the first day of school:
- Use the buddy system: walk with a friend or sibling
- Walk with traffic, not against it
- Look both ways for cars before crossing the street
- Cross only at designated pedestrian crosswalks
- Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street
- Stay alert
Bike Riding Safety
Many young people are excited to take to the road on two wheels. However, biking to school can be dangerous. Explain to your children that they should:
- Ride with traffic, not against it
- Stay in a single-file line when riding with friends
- Wear a helmet that fits snuggly but comfortably
- Obey all traffic signs and signals
- Stay alert and avoid distractions
School Zone Safety
Both parents and students need to use caution in school zones. There are hazardous areas where pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists meet, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Keep these school zone safety tips in mind:
- Use designated crosswalks
- Obey school zone speed limit signs and signals
- Never pass a bus when its stop sign is deployed and lights are flashing
- Only pick up and drop off children in designated safe zones
- Avoid distractions
Playground Safety
The best part of the day for most students? Recess! Unfortunately, playgrounds can also be dangerous. Remind your kids to use common sense and follow these safety precautions:
- Dress appropriately, avoid loose outfits or clothing with ties and strings that could get caught in equipment
- Wear proper shoes
- Use playground equipment as intended
- Only use age-appropriate equipment
Contact an Albuquerque Personal Injury Law Firm Today
Back-to-school season can be an exciting time. However, it can also be a dangerous one. Talk to your children about back-to-school safety, and don’t hesitate to stand up for your rights if a family member is injured on their way to or from school.
Need to talk to a personal injury attorney in Albuquerque? Then contact Parnall Law today for a free, no-obligation consultation.